Micromorphological features of glumes, lemmas and paleas were examined under light and scanning electron microscopes in amphiploids of Aegilops geniculata, Ae. peregrina × Secale cereale and their parental species. The principal features include the size and shape of silica bodies, crown cells, prickles, macrohairs, stomata and the morphology of long cells. The SEM observations of glumes separate two parental forms of Aegilops by the type of prickles and types of wax on palea surface. The abaxial surfaces of lemmas in the parental species and amphiploids show the most taxonomical features. Amphiploids in many features exhibit an extended range of variation in comparison to their parental species, particularly in stomatal length. Epidermal features in amphiploids are inherited after Ae. geniculata and Ae. peregrina. Results of this study provided data on new quantitative and qualitative traits of the glumes, lemmas and paleas in the studied taxa.