Praca zawiera analizę naturalności świerczyn górnoreglowych w oparciu o dostępną literaturę oraz inwentaryzację przeprowadzoną w 1997 roku. Przedstawiono również skalę zachodzących współcześnie zmian w drzewostanach, zwracając uwagę na proces wydzielania się drzew i możliwości naturalnego odnawiania.
The Gorce National Park is located in the central part of the Gorce Mts, which form a part of the Western Beskidy Mts. The subalpine spruce forest occupies the peak areas of the park and covers obout 1000 ha (15%) of its area. The analyse of naturalness of subalpine spruce forest in the Gorce National Park and restore them to the naturl state was aim of the study. In the begining of XX in the Gorce Mts. artifical forest created by pasture and forest management was about 75% (Jarosz 1935). The rest consisted virgin and primeval forest. After World War II the influence of human have been limited to release the spontaneous, natural processes of regeneration and succession. In the last 20 years increased a number of dead spruce trees and larger areas of spruce stands have turned into break-down stadium. Natural regeneration of spruce forests is observed too. These processes are investigated by a service of the Gorce National Park.