The subject of this study is to indicate the scope of protection of public interest towards agricultural and forest land as well as the limits of individual interest, which limits also the public interest. The development of agricultural and forest land, with is not an axiologically indifferent matter, therefore it does not depend only on the will of the land owner. The analysis of the Act on the protection of agricultural and forestry land of February 3, 1995, supported by the case-law of administrative courts and the Supreme Court of the year, allows to state that public interest is in favor of protecting agricultural and forest land. However, this does not allow to leave an individual interest outside the scope of protection, while the tools for protection of the public interest should be located within public law, an individual interest additionally requires using instruments in the field of civil law. The relation of public interest to the individual interest was presented in the aspect of limiting the allocation of land for non-agricultural and non-forestry purposes, in the aspect of excluding agricultural or forest land from production, in the aspect of preventing land degradation and their reclamation. The considerations in this study did not aspire to an exhaustive presentation of the issue, which is why they may be a contribution to further reflection on the essence of public interest in agricultural and forestry grounds and on the relationship between this interest and the sphere of individual interest.