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Nutrient, chlorophyll, and water clarity relationships in Baltic Sea nearshore coastal waters with comparisons to freshwater lakes Barlinek Gorzow Landscape Park (North-West Poland)

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Models relating chlorophyll to nutrients and Secchidepth to chlorophyll using data from nearshore coastal waters of Baltic Sea were successfully developed. The models suggest that phosphorus is the primary limiting factor for phytoplankton in the nearshore coastal waters of Baltic Sea and that total phosphorus concentration accounts for 65% of the variance in chlorophyll concentration.The models also show that chlorophyll is the dominant factor determining Secchi depth in nearshore coastal waters of Baltic Sea and that chlorophyll concentrations account for 38% of the variance in Secchi depth.On the basis of the analysis of research in the Western and Northern Polish Lakes summer macrozoobenthos it can be concluded that in the lakes Barlinek-Gorzow Landscape Park (Barlineckie Lake, Glebokie Lake, Lubiszewko Lake, Przyleg Lake) very intensively develop Oligochaeta. While the larvae of Chironomidae subdominants status in the period under review amounting to water, developed in other lakes much more intensely, acting mostly the main ingredient of benthic fauna. The results obtained have revealed that the ecological condition of the water in the lakes Barlinek-Gorzów Landscape Park (Barlineckie Lake, Glebokie Lake, Lubiszewko Lake, Przyleg Lake) is very bad

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  • Department of Horticulture,Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin, 17 Slowackiego Street, 71-434 Szczecin, Poland
  • Faculty of Biology, University of Szczecin, 13 Waska Street, 71-415 Szczecin, Poland
  • The Board of Marine Ports of Szczecin and Swinoujscie S.A., Environment and Health Research Laboratory, 7 Bytomska Street, 70-603 Szczecin, Poland
  • Department of Chemistry and Protection of the Aquatic Environment, Faculty of Biology, University of Szczecin, 3C Felczaka Street, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland


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1st INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, dilemmas of scientific research in various fields of science: natural sciences, science and technology, economic and social sciences, humanistic sciences, 10th October, 2016, Cracow, Poland

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