This paper documents the design process for a new graspable and tangible interface - Cubo - developed to encourage a change in the behaviour of children when watching interactive television. The designed interface is equally applicable for use with other digital media such as computer games but the focus of this research was mainly on the medium of television. The aim of the Cubo project is to change the child’s experience of television through their active participation in the programme. By manipulating building blocks on a playmat, children can actively participate in television programmes and gain control over content. This allows them to explore, play, and express themselves by constructing their own narratives. The paper documents the iterative development process, from initial observations through design concepts to user experience testing of prototypes. It discusses the results achieved and provides some pointers for further research. Cubo gives children a physical interface that encourages them to actively explore possibilities for constructing narratives for television programmes and digital media. Most importantly, it changes their experiences from passive to highly interactive.