In Łężyce near Duszniki /600 m above sea level/ and in Miłków near Karpacz /400 m above sea level/ in the Sudetes, studies on pasture productivity and sheep grazing system were carried out from 1977 to 1984. 1,5 year old merinolincoln and tsygaiokent sheep grazed the pasture fertilized with nitrogen; - 120, 180 and 240 kg of N per ha in the first two pasture seasons and 40 kg of N per ha in the following seasons for each rotation. 22 and more young sheep grazed 1 ha of the pasture /1.6 - 3.1 per ha/. Various ezperimental factors connected with grazing technique were examined. The green chop yield obtained was 40-50 t/ha. It enabled the intake of over 10 kg of green chop a day and per head. Daily weight gain was 60 - 100 g and it was better in merinolincoln than that in tsygaiokent. Slaughter animal production was 200 - 350 kg/ha. Neither disturbances in animals' health nor in the quality of weel were observed. The studies confirmed good aspects of rotational grazing system which can be applied on grazing lands in the Sudetes.