BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The study examined in a healthy rat brain the metabolic correlates of cortical activity one month after the spreading depressions (SD) episodes and its potential influence on prolonged experience dependent plasticity in the somatosensory cortex distant from the SDs focus. The SD is silenced spontaneous cortical activity propagating as a wave across one hemisphere, which follows spreading depolarisations. It is generated by disturbed ion distribution leading to increased extracellular K+ concentration. SDs are known to participate in the migraine episodes and in peri-infarct depolarisations (PiD). It was shown that after single SD episode the cortical sensory responses were altered and induced reduction of the dynamics of cortical activity rearrangement. METHODS: In our experiment six rats were subjected to unilateral SDs by administration of 3M KCl to the dura of occipital cortex. Sham and control animals underwent the same procedures, but instead of KCl received 3M NaCl or aCSF, respectively. Starting on the same day the animals had experience-dependent plasticity induced by 28 days deprivation of all but row B contralateral whiskers. After the deprivation cortical activity was mapped by 14 C-2-deoxy-Dglucose (2DG) brain mapping with bilateral rows B stimulation. RESULTS: The autoradiography revealed that the overall 2DG incorporation was higher in post-SD hemisphere than in the intact one in comparison to the control rats. The interhemispheric differences were also greater in the representations of the stimulated rows of whiskers likewise in the simultaneously stimulated auditory cortex. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggests that SDs have no influence on experience dependent cortical map reorganisation, but may influence interhemispheric activity equilibrium increasing the excitability in the post SD hemisphere.