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2005 | 57 |

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Produkcja ciekłych biopaliw transportowych w Polsce w kontekście uwarunkowań UE. Stan obecny i perspektywy


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Production of liquid transportation biofuel in Poland in terms of UE conditions. Present state and prospects

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The level of biofuel consumption ratio in the structure of transport fuels in Poland is low. Official target set by the government in terms of biofuel consumption ratio is 0.5% (share of biofuel in the structure of transportation fuels which is not consistent with a 2% target defined in the 2003/3 0/EC directive. There are two major possible biofuels options considered in Poland currently: biodiesel and bioethanol. The starch bioethanol sector has a long tradition in Poland and nowadays the 1-phase production technologies are implemented. Several investors plan to enter to the sector. Perspectives for the production of rape in Poland has been limited to about 1 min ha sown area due to the environmental and organizational constraints.


  • Katedra Organizacji i Inżynierii Produkcji, Wydział Inżynierii i Produkcji, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Warszawa


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  • ZAKRZEWSKI T., 2005: Branżowy program przetwórstwa rzepaku na cele energetyczne. Materiały niepubl. Krajowej Izby Biopaliw: 1-6.
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