The article describes morphology and dynamics of 2 small wadis (gullies) in the vicinity of Gabes, tributaries of the Wadi Gabes, which cut a loess cover of sea-side region. Mapping in 1995 and 1998 was aimed to recognize contemporary gullying resulting from precipitation 807 mm with maximal 51 and 92 mm per day. Slope gradients and length of the thalweg as well as depth and width in cross sections were measured. The gullies are characterized by many knickpoints, but only few are up to 1 m. The changes in morphology of the gullies indicate slow retreat of the knickpoints (sporadicaly to 60 m) or their cutting and the incision along most of the gully length (5-10 cm locally more), as well as lateral erosion, particularly in lower parts of the gullies. The deposition occurred only locally and was very irregular. Changes in morphology of the gullies were very limited due to highly calcareous loessial and sandy-gravel bedrock. The length of the gullies increased due to the development of deep rills above heads of the gullies and their sinuosity in the lower part. The rate of gully heads advance is about 1,6 and 2,5m m per year.