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2017 | 161 | 02 |

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Przestrzenno-czasowe zróżnicowanie pojemności wodnej koron drzew leśnych na przykładzie buka zwyczajnego

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Spatio-temporal variability of water storage capacity in forest canopies of European beech

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The study presents plant interception understood as a process of retaining rainfall over the entire surface of the plant. The objective was to collect and prepare data presenting changes in the amount of rainwater reaching the forest floor, and to inference on the diversity of water capacity within canopy of a single tree. A characteristic feature of an interceptive tank is the lack of tightness, which provides the possibility for the determination of horizontal distribution of water that reaches the forest floor. The amount of throughfall depends on direct rainfall and humidity, while its spatial distribution depends on the structure and species composition, the shape of crowns, the degree of compaction of foliage in the crowns and the distance from the tree trunk. Increase in rainfall was reported at specified time points, which, in combination with the distribution of rain gauges in the square grid, provided spatio−temporal image describing changes of water capacity of the treetops. Single tree and biogroups influence the specific mosaic of soil properties that change even on a small scale. This kind of interaction is somewhat important for the stand regeneration. The studies were carried out in Węgierska Górka Forest District (southern Poland). Changes in the amount of rainwater reaching the forest floor after successive time points during 47 individual rainfall events were controlled. Spatio−temporal distribution of rainfall was related to the distance from the trunk, but primarily to the construction of the treetop. As a result, the graphic interpolation of spatial data describing the amount of water retained in the treetop after a single rainfall was provided. The distance from the trunk, the branch system and construction of the treetop significantly affected the amount of water reaching the forest floor. The morphology of the treetop and root system, as well as the characteristics of beech trunk are causes, and simultaneously, consequences of penetration of rainfall into the forest floor that is characteristic for this species. The increasing attention is paid to determine the spatial variability of studied phenomena, which is a kind of physical−mathematical model, which takes into account the local variation of the analyzed traits.









Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Inżynierii Leśnej, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, al.29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Kraków
  • Zakład Inżynierii Leśnej, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, al.29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Kraków


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