Podjęto próbę przedstawienia gospodarowania zasobami i czynnikami produkcji w gospodarstwach rolnych według ich wielkości ekonomicznej w 2007 roku. Badanie przeprowadzono dla polskich indywidualnych gospodarstw rolnych na tle innych gospodarstw rolnych z 27 krajów Unii Europejskiej. Do obliczeń wykorzystano dane FADN. Aby pokazać różnice jakie istnieją między średnimi wynikami uzyskiwanymi w UE-27 i w Polsce przez gospodarstwa, zbadano również produkcję, dochody i wybrane wskaźniki efektywności wytwarzania w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolnych.
The aim of this paper is to research resources ’ and production factors ’ management in farms according to the economic size in Poland and in the EU in the year 2007. Research was based on the PADN database. This analysis was prepared for the individual farms from 27 countries of the EU. The economic size of an individual farm had a considerable influence on their manner resources’ and production factors ’ management. Both ind the EU and in Poland, in the individual farms with larger economic size occurred a larger demand on land, work and capital. Also the relations among the production factors changed according to the farm’s economic size. In the year 2007 the average values of total output and of family farm income obtained by EU’s individual farm were c.a. two times higher than in Polish one. In the EU the best of production efficiency indicators had individual farms between 4 and 16 ESU, and in Poland farms between 8 and 100 ESU.