Background: The aim of the study was to determine the individual tactical and technical profile of a leading Polish judoka from the heaviest weight category and the characteristic of his body composition in comparison to the world’s elite in this category. Material/Methods: 92 fights carried out by the Polish athlete during national and international tournaments constituted material for the analysis of his technical and tactical profile. 12 judo competitors (1 Polish athlete and 11 competitors from 10 other countries) of the heaviest weight category at the top level of sports championship were subject to anthropometric measurements including 19 features. To evaluate the somatic types, Sheldon’s method with Heath-Carter’s modification was applied. Results: In his duels, the subject most efficiency performed throws from the ashi waza group, out of which he scored the most points and victories before the regular time using osoto gari. The throws from the te waza group proved to be the second most effective with the dominant throw being seoi nage executed from the knees. The subject’s body height (199.0 cm) was higher than the mean for the control group (188.9 ±8.3 cm), and his body weight (113.0 kg) was lower than the mean of the world’s leading athletes (119.4 ±18.2 kg). Mesomorphy dominated in the somatic type of the Polish athlete; however, in the control group its value was higher (6.0–8.3–1.5). Conclusions: To raise the efficiency of fights, the subject should increase the muscle mass and use his natural physical predispositions on the basis of the prospective analysis of its impact on the tactical and technical profile.