The paper is a preliminary report abo- ut the population of Coenagrion ornatum recorded 20 km east-south-east of Zamość (50°39’N, 23°32’E, the Wołyńska Upland, south-eastern Poland). Some imagines of C. ornatum were observed on 15 May, 2007 in the valley of the River Sieniocha at the outlet canal of the spring peat bog of carbonate character. Enallagma cyathigerum, Somatochlora flavomaculata and Libellula fulva were co-occurring species. Coenagrion ornatum has been observed for the first time in Poland since 1995 and it has been the first record in south-eastem Poland since over 60 years. In the near futurę morę detailed analyses of the recorded population as well as the habitat and its monitoring are planned.