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Migracje ludności jako czynnik zmian społeczno-gospodarczych w Ameryce Łacińskiej

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Migrations as a factor of social and economic transformations in Latin America

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The text is a summary of research and didactics related to migration phenomena in Latin America, carried out in the Department of Latin America, transformed into the Departmcnt of Regional Studies on Latin America and later, the Department of Geography of Latin America, at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies. The authors focus on the most important issues present in research projects: labour migration characteristics and their effects observed in areas with particularly high intensity of labour migration, strategies of immigrants from Latin America in the United States of America and Europe, development of new patterns of international migration and socio-economic relations between places of origin and destination places of migrants. They are analysed on the basis of studies on: agricultural colonization, interregional migrations of Mexicans and Ecuadoreans, Caribbean migrants in New York City, Toronto and Miami, as well as Peruvians and Ecuadoreans in Italian cities. The application of the concept of transnational communities has been discussed within the last research cluster. Studies on changing patterns of labour migration of Mexican indigenous population and other groups of rural inhabitants in several Latin American countries have been characterized in detail and according to the authors, they confirm the importance of comparative perspective in research on socio-economic behaviour of migrants. It is helpful in explaining the nature of changes in social relations, organization of space and economic structures in areas sending migrants and transformations of their performance in migration destinations. Interdisciplinary approach, particularly cooperation among geographers, sociologists and anthropologist makes deepening of our knowledge on phenomena mentioned possible.

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  • Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
  • Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa


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