This paper presents the process and results of the implementation of the irrigation system on meadows in Tanzania. The irrigation system was im- plemented in 2010 and 2012 as an element of two development projects co-financed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland un- der the Polish Development Programme. During the first phase ( 2010) the earth water reservoir and the canal carrying water on a meadow were built and the irrigation system based on Amirite sprinklers was installed . In 2012, the concrete water tanks were built , and two hose reel irrigators were bought and put in action . The i mplementation of the irrigation system allowed for a significant increase in the production of hay. In the analyzed time period (from 2008 to 2012) the increase in yields of hay from 34.7 tons to 237.3 tons was noticed. The resulting implementation of the irrigation project increase hay production should be considered valuable, especially under the conditions of advancing climate change and its potential impact on the reduction of agricultural production in Tanzania.