The author considers the coexistence of civilisation and tradition using as an example the village of Allmershausen in Hessen (central Germany) which has preserved the appearance it had centuries ago, thanks to the achievements of technology. According to the author, to have a balance between the past and contemporary times we should respect and take advantage of regional relationships, protect surrounding areas, preserve the old arrangement and layout, respect the historic structure of a locality, continue the elements of the land use structure, study and preserve the forms of local architecture, and care for architectural and urban details.
After long-lasting efforts by community of architects and conservationists, the amendment to law on protection of cultural values and museums passed recently, comprises precise definitions regarding legal protection of cultural landscapes in the form of conservatory protection zones, cultural reserves and cultural parks. Conservatory protection zones are the most reasonable and viable. The authors consider implementation of this solution using Janowiec, a locality situated on the Vistula river bank, as an example.