Amyloidosis is a disease caused by the deposition of amorphous extracellular protein, leading to impaired kidney function. Canine and feline amyloidosis is associated with the deposition of AA protein. The disease is hereditary and is related to breed but not sex. Predisposed breeds include the Shar Pei dog and Abyssinian cat. Proteinuria resulting in hypoalbuminemia due to changes in renal glomeruli is the first clinical sign. In addition, a decreased appetite, anorexia, vomiting, lethargy, polyuria and polydipsia may be observed. In order to diagnose the disease, serum amyloid A levels may be measured. However, a definitive diagnosis is made on the basis of an intravital renal biopsy and the presence of amyloid in the histopathological examination. The main goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation and proteinuria. If nephrotic syndrome occurs, the prognosis is guarded to poor, and the majority of patients do not survive one year. The definitive diagnosis is based on the post-mortem examination, in which the presence of amyloid deposits is confirmed in the kidney tissue. We present the case of a 7-year-old female Shar Pei diagnosed with kidney amyloidosis, on the basis of which we have developed a prevention scheme for clinical practice.