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Lesistość, wielkość pól i występowanie kukurydzy a poziom i tempo wzrostu populacji dzików w Polsce w latach 1999-2014


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Level and growth rate of wild boar populations in relation to forest cover, crop field size and maize occurrence in Poland in the years 1999-2014

Języki publikacji



The number of wild boars considerably increased in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century. We tested hypotheses that both the level of wild boar populations and rate of the increase in their numbers in Poland in the years 1999−2014 were dependent on some landscape factors, i.e. forest cover, crop field size and maize occurrence. Hunting bag was used as an index of wild boar abundance. The mean hunting bag of this species in the initial and final part of the study period was positively related to the forest cover and the mean size of farms (as an index of crop field size). In the final years also the occurrence of maize showed a positive effect (tab.). However, the index of wild boar bag growth rate decreased with the forest cover and the farm size. Higher increase in wild boar abundance occurred in regions characterized by lower forests share and fragmented crop fields, where the density of investigated species were lower than in regions with the mosaic of forests and large crop fields. The occurrence of maize significantly affected the growth rate index only in north−eastern part of the country (fig.). Our analysis showed that some evolution in wild boar – landscape relations took place in the recent period. Such changes may lead to an increase in conflicts with agricultural economy caused by this species.









Opis fizyczny



  • Stacja Badawcza, Polski Związek Łowiecki, ul.Sokolnicza 12, 64-020 Czempiń
  • Stacja Badawcza, Polski Związek Łowiecki, ul.Sokolnicza 12, 64-020 Czempiń


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