Cosmocerca kalesari sp. nov. from the large intestine of frogs, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis, collected in the Kalesar Wildlife Sanctuary, India is described and photomicrographed. It is most similar to those species bearing 5 pairs of plectanes, i.e., C. acanthurum, C. banyulensis, C. cruzi, C. japonica, C. ornata, C. novaeguineae, C. paraguayensis, C. parva, C. podicipinus and C. travassosi, but differs from these species with the exception of C. cruzi and C. japonica in the length of spicules and length of gubernaculum. The new species can be separated from C. cruzi and C. japonica by the arrangement of postanal mammiliform papillae: 6 postanal pairs in C. kalesari sp. nov.; 4 postanal pairs in C. cruzi; no postanal mammiliform papillae in C. japonica. Cosmocerca kalesari sp. nov. represents the 25th species assigned to the genus, but only the second species from the Oriental region.