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2010 | 34 | 3-4 |

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Planowanie operacyjne w miastach polskich. Problem planowania zintegrowanego


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Operational planning in Polish cities. The problem of integrated planning

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Zgodnie z wytycznymi Wspólnoty Europejskiej gminy miejskie, aplikujące o środki unijne na dofinansowanie realizacji określonych projektów, są zobowiązane do sporządzenia odpowiednich planów operacyjnych o charakterze zintegrowanym (planu rozwoju lokalnego, programu rewitalizacji, planu rozwoju transportu publicznego). W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy planów/programów operacyjnych pięciu dużych miast (Bydgoszczy, Katowic, Krakowa, Lublina, Poznania) z punktu widzenia zintegrowanego sposobu podejścia do ich opracowania i wdrażania. Sformułowano wnioski odnośnie rozwoju zintegrowanego planowania w polskich miastach.
As set out in the European Community guidelines, a condition for cofinancing by the EU of specified project is preparing by the city/commune relevant operational plans/programs of an integrated character. In order to find out how cities are coping with the issue of integrated development planning/programming within existing legal and institutional systems (separation of spatial planning from social and economic planning), operational plans/programmes of 5 big cities: Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Cracow, Lublin and Poznań were examined. The analysis and evaluation of the operational plans/programmes as regards the integrated approach to their development and implementation were preceded by a review of instructions and guidelines included in available documents and publications - national and EU. For the years 2007-2013, all the examined cities developed revitalization programmes, three cities (Cracow, Lublin, Poznań) developed public transport development plans, whilst only two cities (Bydgoszcz, Poznań) developed local development plans. Evaluating the developments listed above from the point of view of integrated approach to planning, revitalization programmes ought to be distinguished. They contain main elements of an integrated operational plan. In the process of their construction, particular attention was paid to social aspects of revitalization, both in the diagnosis and the concept stage (especially in Cracow and Poznań). This is a change for the better comparing to the revitalization programmes developed in the period 2004-2006. Local development plans (Bydgoszcz and Poznań) have a nature of a multi-year investment plan, extended only with the projects of entities other than the city. Public transport development plans (Cracow, Lublin, Poznań) bear no features of an integrated operational plan. The development of an integrated public transport has not been planned in the context of spatial development and the development of business activities. Local communities were not involved in the process of development of the plans. A week point of all operational plans/programmes is their low level or lack of socialization of the planning process as well as a low level of participation of private entities in financing the enterprises/projects. In all cities, in the course of work on operational plans, a shortage of urban concepts in strategic documents (in the development strategy as well as in the study of pre-conditioning and directions of spatial planning) was revealed. For the purpose of integration of the EU space it is required for all Member States to adopt common standards of development planning of territorial units. EU documents, as well as the planning practice in "old" EU MemberStates point at integrated planning (interdisciplinary and holistic), in accordance with the idea of sustainable development. In Poland it was initiated on the local level - in cities. The conclusions as regards the development of integrated planning in Polish cities are as follows: 1.Extending the Polish planning system with the integrated planning will enable effective actions for qualitative development of cities and metropolitan areas. 2.Local governments in many cities should redetermine their municipal policy, which requires adjusting existing strategies of development to the requirements of integrated planning and developing (elaborating on) urban concepts. 3.Depending on the assumed - in the development strategy - direction of long-term actions, cities will develop relevant operational plans. 4.Each operational plan should contain the specification of: goals to be achieved, expected results (measurable results), scope and schedule of actions, instruments for fulfilment, units executing the projects, funds and sources of financing. 5.The process of integrated planning should be carried out, both on the strategic and operational level, in the iterative manner, with the following stages distinguished: decision to take actions, analysis of development possibilities, the concept of development and action, the manner of implementation and control of execution. 6.The methodology of integrated planning must be improved, with manuals developed by experts. Individual marshal offices should concentrate on integrated planning of development on the regional level so as to have grounds for giving directions for the development of cities in provinces. 7.Integrated operational plans/programmes ought not to be treated merely as a tool for obtaining structural funds for co-financing development undertakings. They should be instruments for the execution of policy of municipal authorities, specified in the integrated development strategy. 8.It is necessary to include integrated development plans, both strategic and operational, in the provisions of law - as an element of the planning system. 9.The planning system reform should be carried out in the direction of integration of social and economic planning with spatial planning. For this purpose, it is necessary to: specify the role and tasks of individual documents in the planning process, both statutory (formal), and extra-statutory (non-formal) ones, interrelations between individual types of plans - within and among individual levels of planning and management. 10.The development of integrated planning in cities and metropolitan areas requires: the integration of actions of organizational units at municipal offices, wider socialization of the planning process, the implementation of instruments motivating the private sector to participate in undertakings/projects in a form of public and private partnership due to high effectiveness of such forms of actions.








Opis fizyczny



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