Klinika Położnictwa i Chorób Kobiecych, Akademia Medyczna, Białystok
1. Bauer A. G., Epifanio A., Redner W. I.: Cytology of Vaginal Smears with Trichomonas. - Obstetr. Gynec., 14: 381-388, 1959.
2. Bechtold E., Reicher M. B.: Relationship of Trichomonas infestation to false diagnoses of squamous carcinoma of cervix.-Cancer, 5: 442 - 457, 1952.
3. von Bertalanffy L., Masin M., Masin F.: A new and rapid method for diagnosis of vaginal and cervical cancer by fluorescence microscopy. - Cancer, 11: 873, 1958.
4. von Bertalanffy L.: Eine fluorescenz-mikroskopische Schnellmethode zur Diagnose des Gynäkologischen Carcinoma. Klin. Wchschr., 8: 469, 471, 1959.
5. von Bertalanffy L., Bertalanffy F. D.: A new method for cytological diagnosis of pulmonary cancer. - Ann. New York Acad. Sc., 84: 225 - 238, 1960.
6. von Bertalanffy L., Masin E., Masin M.: Use of acridine-orange fluorescence technique in exfoliative cytology. - Science, 124: 1024 – 1024, 1956.
7. Combescot Ch., Pestre JW., Domenech A.: Compte rendus des seances de la Soc. de Biologie et de ses filiales, 151, 1957.
8. Koss K. G., Wolińska W. H.: Trichomonas vaginalis cervicitis and its relationship to cervical cancer. - Cancer, 12, 1959.