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2015 | 44 |

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Role of growth regulators on in vitro callus induction and direct regeneration in Physalis minima Linn.

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Suitable protocol for induction of callus and regeneration was developed from different explants viz., node, stem and leaves in Physalis minima. MS basal medium supplemented with various concentrations (1.0-4.0mg/l) of auxins like 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D), α- naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and Indole- 3-acetic acid (IAA) and cytokinins (0.5-1.5mg/l) like BAP or Kn were used. All the three explants responded for induction of callus, however stem explants were found superior, followed by node and leaf. Callus induction was observed in all the auxins and combination of growth regulators used with varied mass (2010±1.10) and highest percentage of callus induction was observed from stem at 2.0mg/l 2,4-D (90%) followed by NAA (70%) and IAA (50%). Organogenesis was induced when nodal explants were transferred on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D and Kn at various concentrations, maximum being on 2.0mg/l 2,4-D + 1.0mg/l Kn (90%). Regenerated shoots were elongated on 0.5mg/l GA3. The shoots were subsequently rooted on MS + 1.0mg/l IBA (95%) medium. Rooted shoots were hardened and acclimatized, later they were transferred to polycups containing soil, cocopeat and sand in the ratio 1:2:1.






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  • Plant Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering Laboratory, Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Botany, Gulbaraga University, Kalaburagi- 585106, Karnataka, India
  • Plant Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering Laboratory, Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Botany, Gulbaraga University, Kalaburagi- 585106, Karnataka, India


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