Przeprowadzone badania empiryczne pozwalają stwierdzić, że istniejące otoczenie instytucjonalno-systemowe stwarza bariery w rozwoju przedsiębiorstw świadczących usługi żywieniowe i noclegowe w województwie lubelskim. Warunkiem pobudzenia rozwoju badanych podmiotów jest dokonanie zmian, które powinny dotyczyć zwłaszcza polityki fiskalnej państwa, barier prawnych i administracyjnych.
The aim of the article was to identify anddefine thepower of institutional andlegal barriers hampering the foundation and development of businesses providing catering and accommodation services in lubelskie province. 281 business entities were taken into consideration in the 2007 research. Fiscal barriers (high taxes, obligatory social-security contributions and other obligatory contributions to the state budget) were described by the respondents as the most burdensome factors. Barriers which hamper the creation and currentfunctioning of the analysed businesses to a moderate extent include legal factors, administrative factors and insufficient region promotion. Smaller hindrance to running a business entity is brought about by financial restrictions. The owners of catering and accommodation businesses feel a strong need for removing the aforementioned barriers which hinder the development of their businesses and result from the institutional and legal background.