Spontaneous regeneration in the hurricane−disturbed stand in the Pisz Forest District (N Poland) was registered in the years 2007−2008 and 2011−2012. Breast height diameter and crown size were measured on 10×10 m plots. The analysis also included the soil respiration rate, the decomposition rate of organic matter, soil pH, leaf area index (LAI), content of Mg, Ca, C, N and P in soil, and vegetation coverage of the forest floor. The natural regeneration was dominated by birch, followed by pine, which recolonized the disturbed stand in smaller extend, possibly because of the thick cover of organic material hindering germination and making it difficult for pine sprouts to reach the mineral soil. Spontaneous regeneration of the stand was most severely inhibited by Deschampsia flexuosa, whose growth over the entire surface was linked to the capture of excess released nitrogen resulting from the decomposition of organic matter. Mosses and lingonberry did not delay the spontaneous appearance of seedlings. The development of the natural regeneration suggests the possibility that an uneven−aged stand will emerge.