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Diet of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in a protected area of Argentina: the importance of baiting

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The wild boar is an invasive mammal in Argentina that generates habitat alteration, predation, and competition that threaten several native species due to its flexible and broad diet and its rooting behavior. We evaluated the diet of wild boar in El Palmar National Park (EPNP), assessing its composition, seasonality, and importance of baiting. Vegetable matter represented the major component of the diet, where corn was the most abundant food item, which is used as bait to hunt wild boars. Animal remains were also abundant and mostly consisted of birds. Wild boar diet exhibited marked seasonality that seems related to food availability, such as the occurrence of fruits in summer. Currently, the importance of bait in the diet could support and complement the diet of wild boar and improve their reproduction triggering the population growth. Also, the impacts on native biodiversity may be hidden due to the constant food subsidy of corn. We recommend the implementation of other control methods such as hunting with dogs or traps and the use of alternative baits, as odor baits, to avoid the supplemental feeding, or finally, if corn baiting is continuous, we suggest regulating their quantity and frequency. Further studies on wild boar diet and baiting methods should be conducted due to its multiple implications on wild boar populations and native ecosystems.

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  • Instituto de Diversidad y Ecologia Animal (IDEA), Facultad de Ciencias Extracts Fisicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba - CONICET, Cordoba, Argentina
  • Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Aridas (IADIZA), CONICET, San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina
  • Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Aridas (IADIZA), CONICET, San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina
  • Instituto de Diversidad y Ecologia Animal (IDEA), Facultad de Ciencias Extracts Fisicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba - CONICET, Cordoba, Argentina


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