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2015 | 159 | 01 |

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Wpływ warstwy drzew na różnorodność roślinności zielnej w zbliżonych do naturalnych wielogatunkowych lasach Puszczy Sandomierskiej


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Influence of tree layer on the diversity of the herbaceous vegetation in the semi-natural mixed Sandomierz Forest

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Stand characteristics are important factors influencing the biodiversity of the herbaceous plants that play important roles in the functioning and shaping the structure of the forest. This study investigates the relationship between the characteristics of the tree layer and the diversity of the herbaceous layer in the semi−natural remnants of the former Sandomierz Forest (Kolbu− szowa Plateau, SE Poland). The study was conducted in ‘Las Klasztorny' reserve on 40 circular plots (0.05 ha) centered on the nodes of a grid covering the area of the reserve. Each plot was analyzed in terms of the com− position of the tree stand, and the height and diameter at the breast height (DBH) of live trees. In order to analyze species diversity in the herbaceous layer, the incidence of vascular plant species was recorded on 24 surfaces (1×1 m) along a transect passing through the center of each plots. For each plot the Shannon index of species diversity was calculated. Results were ana− lyzed by multivariate PCA method. Average tree density in the reserve was 741 trees/ha and the average basal area was 33.4 m2/ha. Tree stands consisted mainly of Pinus sylvestris, Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur and Carpinus betulus. Fir and pine were the most frequent. Pine had the largest share in the total basal area. The first and second PCA axis demonstrated high correlation of herbaceous plant diversity with tree characteristics (r=0.95 and r=0.71, respectively). The first axis showed the greatest negative relation with beech basal area proportion, and positive dependence on oak density and share of pine in basal area on the research plots. The second gradient showed a strong positive correlation with oak basal area proportion, and negative with trees density. Correlation analysis of tree stand characteristics and the herbaceous layer confirmed the nega− tive impact of beech on herbaceous layer diversity. It also indicated a positive dependence of the herbaceous layer species diversity on species richness in the tree layer, oak density and average DBH. The results indicated a positive dependence of herbaceous plant diversity on the development of the tree stand. The observed greater diversity of herbaceous plants in the old growth forests with diverse spatial and species structures indicates the high importance of the old stands in maintaining forest biodiversity.









Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Botaniki, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, ul.Zelwerowicza 4, 35-601 Rzeszów


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