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Zawartość makroelementów w ziarnie pszenżyta ozimego odmiany Grenado, w zależności od metody pielęgnacji i poziomu nawożenia azotem

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Macroelements content in winter triticale grain of the variety Grenado, depending on the cultivation method and nitrogen fertilisation level

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W latach 2007–2009 prowadzono badania laboratoryjne ziarna pszenżyta ozimego odmiany Grenado na zawartość makroelementów (N, P, K, Mg i Ca). Podstawą tych badań był eksperyment polowy realizowany w Ośrodku Dydaktyczno-Doświadczalnym w Tomaszkowie, należącym do Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, na glebie brunatnej właściwej, średniej, zaliczonej do kompleksu żytniego dobrego, w czterech powtórzeniach, z dwoma czynnikami: 1 – metoda pielęgnacji roślin – mechaniczna (bronowanie) i chemiczna (herbicyd Mustang 306 SE) na tle obiektu kontrolnego, bez zabiegów, 2 – poziom nawożenia azotem (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 kg N·ha⁻¹). Metoda pielęgnacji roślin nie wywierała istotnych zmian w zawartości badanych makroelementów w ziarnie, z wyjątkiem magnezu, którego koncentracja wzrastała po zastosowaniu herbicydu. Poziom nawożenia wywierał istotny wpływ jedynie na zawartość azotu, którego ilość w ziarnie zwiększała się wraz ze wzrostem dawki nawożenia do poziomu 160 kgN·ha⁻¹.
In 2007–2009, laboratory studies were carried out on winter triticale grain of the variety Grenado, concerning the contents of macroelements (N, P, K, Mg, Ca). The grain for chemical analyses was sampled each year during harvest of plants from a field experiment carried out in the Research and Education Centre in Tomaszkowo, belonging to the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, on eutric cambisol, medium quality soil (class IVb), classified as good rye complex. The study was performed using the random sub-blocks method, in 4 repetitions, with two factors: 1 – the method of cultivation plants – mechanical method (harrowing) and the chemical method (Mustang 306 SE herbicide) compared to a control object without cultivation, 2 – the nitrogen fertilisation level (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 kg N·ha⁻¹). The studies conditions noticeably differentiated each year in terms of the weather. The method of cultivation plants did not have a significant effect on the contents of the analysed macroelements in winter triticale grain, apart from magnesium in 2007 and the average results from the 3-year period. In 2007, a significant effect was found of the herbicide on an increase in the magnesium content, compared to harrowed triticale and to the control object and, respectively, for the average results, when compared only to the harrowed object. Each year, nitrogen fertilisation differentiated only the nitrogen content in triticale grain. In particular years of the study, fertilisation in a dose of 160 kg N·ha⁻¹ resulted each year in a significant increase in the nitrogen level in grain and for the doses of 120 and 80 kg N·ha⁻¹, in 2 of 3 years, respectively, and for the average results from a 3-year period. The contents of the analysed macroelements in grain each year was significantly differentiated between the years of the study, particularly for nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, and, to a lesser degree, for calcium. In addition, in the second, dry year of the study, with the highest yields, the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium were significantly lower than in other years. Regarding calcium – in the grain from the first year of the study, its content was much higher, compared to the third year.

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  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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