A linkage map of pea was constructed based on a 104 RIL population derived from the cross combination Wt10245 x Wt11238. The map, which consisted of 204 morphological, isozyme, AFLP, ISSR, STS, CAPS and RAPD markers, was used for interval mapping of the QTLs controlling the stem length and internode number of pea. In the characterization of a given QTL, we included an identification of its position with reference to the flanking markers, an estimation of the part of variance explained by it, and a determination of gene action. Six QTLs per trait were identified as demonstrating linkage to ten intervals on five linkage groups. As many as seven QTLs influencing the analysed traits were mapped on linkage group II, indicating the important role of this region of the pea genome in plant height control.