Znaczenie jeziora w doświadczeniu turystyczno-rekreacyjnym było podstawą nazwania turystyki związanej z jeziorem - turystyką jeziorną. W artykule zaprezentowano definicje oraz typy analizowanego zjawiska, jak również proponowane podejścia badawcze.
The importance of the lake in tourist-recreational experience was the basis for the name "lake tourism" given to tourism related to lakes. The notion is widely used ih English-language literature. Based on the analysis of literature, the definition of the phenomenon has been presented. Depending on the importance of the lake in the tourist experience, three types of lake tourism have been distinguished. One of the characteristic features of lake tourism is its complexity and interdisciplinary character. For that reason, studies of lake tourism can be conducted from various research perspectives. In the paper, several possible research approaches have been presented, together with sample problems which could be the topics of research from various points of view.