Przedstawiono ocenę działalności instytucji lokalnych bezpośrednio zaangażowanych w realizację zasad wzajemnej zgodności wśród rolników z powiatu grudziądzkiego, w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim. Podkreślono ważność poszczególnych instytucji we wspieraniu beneficjentów ich usług w nowym okresie programowania na lata 2007-2013.
The article presents the results of studies conducted in September 2008, concerning the evaluation of local institutions involved into the realization of cross-compliance principle amongst farmers in the poviat of Grudziądz in the kujawsko-pomorskie province. The study methods were a questionnaire specially prepared for the responding farmers.With reliable and accurate estimation of confidence coefficient 0.90 and the maximum measurement error of 6%. Polish agriculture after the accession to the UE was given special support from the state and the European community. It can count on financial support from structural funds, as well as on counselling, consulting and informational support. It is crucial for the beneficiaries using the Union said to appreciate the work of the institutions that support their activity in this area. The farmers from the district of Grudzi¹dz showed a positive attitude towards the local institutions. This also applies to such forms of support from institutional environment as: counselling, training, access to loans, assistance in completing documents related to the use of external financing sources. The question remains open as to the tasks of the institutional environment while implementing the instruments of support for rural areas and agriculture in the following years.