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Scope and data set of the phytosociological database ‘Grasslands in the Polish Carpathians’


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The phytosociological database as a tool for synthetic and comprehensive study of semi-natural meadows in the Polish part of the Carpathians is presented. It has been developed in the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 2007. All accessible phytosociological relevés were digitalized and stored in a TURBOVEG database. As of January 2013, 4620 relevés have been collected in the database, chiefly from mesic meadows of Arrhenatherion alliance (76%) and mat-grass swards of Nardo-Callunetea class (18%). They were recorded between 1923 and 2012 at an altitude range of 195–2000 m above sea level. For improving territorial coverage of the region by vegetation sampling, since 2009 an extensive field survey has been carried out to collect data from previously unexplored areas and record the actual stage of semi-natural grasslands. As a result 1146 recent unpublished relevés were collected. The statistics of available resources, discussion on the data quality and the application prospects of the database are outlined. The database “Grasslands in the Polish Carpathians” is an intrinsic part of the research on the diversity of vegetation in the Polish Carpathian grasslands, as well as a record of the changes it undergoes.








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  • Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al.Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Krakow, Poland


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