Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Nepeta nuda subsp. albiflora Boiss. were reported in this study. The ethanol and water extracts of Nepeta nuda subsp. albiflora were prepared and used for biochemical analyses. Antioxidant capacities of the extracts were evaluated by three different in vitro bioanalytical methods including a reducing antioxidant method and two radical scavenging antioxidant methods. The water and ethanol extracts of the plant sample were found to have effective antioxidant potentials. Phenolic content of Nepeta nuda subsp. albiflora was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Rosmarinic acid (182.0±4.5 µg/g), apigenin (84.5±57.6 µg/g), and quercetin (44.5±62.9 µg/g) were identified as major compounds in the ethanol extract of the plant sample. This study has a potential scientific base for further studies about Nepeta nuda subsp. albiflora related to plant biochemistry and plant based pharmacological industry.