W opracowaniu przedstawiono przydatność wskaźników temperatury powietrza do charakterystyki pięter klimatycznych w Karpatach polskich. Omówiono dotychczasowe wyniki badań w profilu wysokościowym tych gór. Specjalną uwagę poświęcono przemianom topoklimatu pod wpływem antropopresji na Pogórzu Karpackim w rejonie dobczyckiego zbiornika wodnego.
The paper presents main indices of air temperature used in the 20th century to evaluate vertical climate zones and climate change in the Polish Carpathians, in different spatial scales. Factors controlling climate in particular seasons were considered. In the vertical profile of the Carpathians, the following elements are differentiated due to global climate change: 1. Secular trends of air temperature, precipitation and sunshine duration extreme values; 2. Duration of climatic fluctuations in the 20th century, depending on the research period; 3. Changing frequency of cycles in the multi-annual period. Local climate change due to transformations in the land use (i.e. construction of the Dobczyce Water Reservoir in 1980s) was analysed for Gaik-Brzezowa. The data from the years 1971- 1996 were used to compare the results of anthropopression in two types of topoclimate: the oak-hornbeam forest Tilio-Carpinetum and grass-covered valley slope. In the examined period, the temperature increased by 1ºC, which did not exceed the tolerance limit of the main oak-hornbeam forest species. The environment of the Carpathian Foothill turned out to be stable and resistant to changes in the land use and increased climate variability, intensified at the end of the examined period.