Results of a detailed hydrographic mapping combined with the lithologic map shows a close interdependence between the intensity of occurrence of individual elements of the hydrographic network and the lithologic structure, primarily that of the substratum but also of the surface rocks. In some cases attention should also be paid to the presence of some low permeability forms which separate the surface deposits and bedrock in the stratigraphical aspect but to a variable degree in the hydrogeologic aspect. The two- or three-membered systems thus distinguished were described and characterized numerically. For this purpose generally recognized parameters of the density of occurrence of individual hydrographic elements per one square kilometre, were used, with a careful distinction made with regard to the length of permanent, periodic and ephemeral streams, the number of minute springs, high-discharge springs, the presence of marshes or little lakes, the number of dry drainless bellows, and the value of maximal hydroisobath. On the basis of the parameters mentioned the aquatic index was evaluated, which integrates all the parameters of hydrographic network, with some quantitative assessment of individual parameters. The differences in character of the hydrographic network of individual lithoIogic systems, directly visible on the hydrographic map, and confirmed by the analysis of the tabulated parameter values, permitted to describe suitable hydrographic names to individual lithologic systems (Table 1 and Fig. 1). The last element of the study is a comparison of hydrographic index values (calculated as weighted averages) with the unit runoff evaluated by M. Gutry-Korycka (1976) by hydrologic methods in two river catchments (Koprzywianka R. and Opatówka R.). There is a striking similarity of values of the hydrographic index of the hydrographic network with the runoff value, expressed as 1/s · km². This fact finds support in the results of mapping and balancing made for over eighteen catchments in various regions of Poland, which will be the subject of a separate paper. This appears to indicate a correlation existing between the character and density of hydrographic network and the runoff value.