One of the skull traits that separates the Leithiinae subfamily from other subfamilies of Gliridae family is a prominent fenestration in the angular process of the mandible. There is no reference in the literature of dormice from Leithiinae subfamily without this fenestration. However, some garden dormice (Eliomys quercinus) have been found without this fenestration in Spain. This lack of perforation may be due to an ossification of the angular process related to bone growth. Garden dormice skulls from different parts of Spain kept in two mammal collections were revised in order to detect animals without fenestration and to take measures that differ between young and adult dormice. The measures recorded did not differ between dormice with and without fenestration, and so, the entire angular process is not the result of an ossification process. Thus, the discovery of specimens without fenestration in the angular process should be taken into account in studies which need the identification of this species and other species from Leithiinae subfamily based on skull and mandibles traits.