Among 2434 persons submitted to parasitological examinations (decantation, Rivas, Fülleborn, NIH) and bacteriological ones (SS and Mac Conkey's media) a group of 85 persons affected by dysentery was singled out (table I). Intestinal helminthiasis was here more frequent (65.8%) than in other groups (44.1%). Just the same was observed among persons sent to the laboratory with helminthiasis suspected, because Shigella bacteria were found in them more frequently (5.9%) than in other groups (table II). 19 patients of this group were subjected to dysentery analysis (table III) and it turned out that in some cases the patients did not suffer from helminthiasis though they were suspected of it. The authors do not discuss the question whether there exists an interdependence between the incidence of dysentery bacteria and intestinal helminths or whether invasion and infection occurring simultaneously, are the result of bad sanitary conditions.