Experiments were carried out on 50 mature rabbits of mixed breed divided into two groups. The first one comprising 35 rabbits was exposed to ambient temperature form —10 to —14°C for 6 hours while the second group (15 rabbits) to the same temperature for 12 hours. The rabbits of the first group were divided later into two subgroups A and В on the basis of their different initial 23- DPG level. The mean content of 2,3-DPG in the erythrocytes of the subgroup A and В was 17,76 and 23,88 ąmol/g Hb, respectively. The exposure of animals to the cold for 6 hours caused an increase of 2,3-DPG to 24,77 [nnol/g Hb (p < 0,001) in the rabbits of the subgroup A and in the subgroup В to mean value of 31,45 ,umol/g Hb (p < 0,001). 23- DPG level in the erythrocytes of the second group increased from 22,19 pmol/g Hb to 29,47 ^