Prawdopodobnie w przeszłości pokrywały ją bogate florystycznie murawy kserotermiczne. Obecnie na terenie Bożniowej Góry przeważają zbiorowiska murawowe i łąkowe, takie jak: Koelerio-Festucetum rupicolae, zbiorowisko z Brachypodium pinnatum i wariant ciepłolubny Arrhenatheretum elatioris. Niestety, na skutek zaniechania użytkowania, w wielu miejscach murawy kserotermiczne zastępowane są przez łany orlicy pospolitej, a na ciepłolubnych łąkach rozwijają się zarośla
Bożniowa Góra Mt (402 m asl.) is one of the highest elevations in the Silesian Upland. In the past it was probably covered with floristically rich xerothermic grasslands. At present, grassland and meadow communities still dominate in the area of Bożniowa Góra; they include: Koelerio-Festucetum rupicolae (Table 1), the community with Brachypodium pinnatum and a thermophilous variant of Arrhenatheretum elatioris (Table 2). After the land use was ceased, however, xerothermic grasslands were replaced in many places by beds of common bracken, and thickets developed in thermophilous meadows. Eight vascular plant species were found in the area, which have been recognized as valuable – legally protected, rare and endangered, at least on a local scale (Table 3). Most of them are associated with habitats of xerothermic grasslands. Probably at present the studied area represents a lower natural value than in the past, although it is still very valuable. Most of the rare species and valuable plant communities have survived to date. Unfortunately their resources are slowly declining