Review of the book "Mechanisms for implementation of regional policy: evaluation of efficiency and improvement directions" edited by Svitlana Shults, Ird Nanu, Lviv 2018, p. 205
Recenzja książki "Mechanizmy wdrażania polityki regionalnej: ocena efektywności i kierunki poprawy" pod redakcją Svitlany Shults, Ird Nanu, Lwów 2018, s. 205
Department of Economic Modelling, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences, Nowy Swiat 72, 00-330 Warsaw, Poland
1. Parliament of Ukraine (2015). [Law of Ukraine “On Principles of State Regional Policy”, No 156-VIII, signed 05.02.2015] (in Ukrainian).
2. President of Ukraine (2001). [Decree of the President of Ukraine “Concept of State Regional Policy”, No 341/2001, signed 25.05.2001] (in Ukrainian).
3. Shults S. (ed.) (2018). [Mechanisms for implementation of regional policy: evaluation of efficiency and improvement directions], State Institution “Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Lviv, (in Ukrainian).