Celem pracy było określenie wpływu składu, właściwości fizycznych nośników oraz rozmiarów granulek biopreparatów bakterii fermentacji mlekowej z gatunku Lactobacillus plantarum na przeżywalność komórek bakterii w czasie suszenia fluidyzacyjnego i przechowywania w warunkach chłodniczych. Biopreparaty przygotowywano przy zastosowaniu następujących nośników: rozpuszczalnej skrobi ziemniaczanej, sacharozy, glukozy i laktozy. Jako substancję ochronną stosowano betainę. Wilgotne preparaty granulowano przy zastosowaniu sit o wymiarach bocznych otworków: początkowo 1,25 mm, a w drugim etapie pracy: 0,5, 1,0, 1,5, 2,0 i 2,5 mm. Preparaty suszono w laboratoryjnej suszarce fluidyzacyjnej, w temperaturze nie przekraczającej 35 ºC. Stwierdzono, że skład i wzajemne proporcje nośników zastosowanych do wytwarzania preparatów bakterii wpłynęły w sposób istotny na przeżywalność komórek w czasie suszenia. Suszenie fluidyzacyjne umożliwiło uzyskanie przeżywalności bakterii Lactobacillus plantarum C na poziomie 65 %, jednak aktywność biologiczna badanych preparatów malała i po 12 miesiącach przechowywania w temperaturze 8 ºC wynosiła, we wszystkich grupach preparatów, poniżej 10 % w stosunku do wartości początkowej.
The objective of the study was to determine the impact of composition, physical properties of carriers, and sizes of granules of lactic acid fermenting bacterial bio-preparations from Lactobacillus plantarum sp. on the survivability of bacterial cells during the fluidized bed drying and storage under the refrigeration conditions. The bio-preparations were prepared with the use of the following carriers: soluble potato starch, saccharose, glucose, and lactose. The betaine was applied as a protective substance. The wet preparations were granulated using sieves having side holes sizes as follows: initially 1.25 mm, and at the second stage of analysis: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 mm. The preparations were dried in a laboratory fluidized bed dryer, at a temperature not exceeding 35 ºC. It was found that the survivability of the cells during drying was significantly impacted by the composition and the mutual ratios of the carriers used to produce bacterial preparations. The fluidized bed drying makes it possible to achieve a level of 65 % of the survivability of Lactobacillus plantarum C bacteria; however, the biological activity of the preparations analysed decreased, and 12 months after the storage at a temperature of 8 ºC, it was below 10 % in all groups of preparations compared to the initial valueThe objective of the study was to determine the impact of composition, physical properties of carriers, and sizes of granules of lactic acid fermenting bacterial bio-preparations from Lactobacillus plantarum sp. on the survivability of bacterial cells during the fluidized bed drying and storage under the refrigeration conditions. The bio-preparations were prepared with the use of the following carriers: soluble potato starch, saccharose, glucose, and lactose. The betaine was applied as a protective substance. The wet preparations were granulated using sieves having side holes sizes as follows: initially 1.25 mm, and at the second stage of analysis: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 mm. The preparations were dried in a laboratory fluidized bed dryer, at a temperature not exceeding 35 ºC. It was found that the survivability of the cells during drying was significantly impacted by the composition and the mutual ratios of the carriers used to produce bacterial preparations. The fluidized bed drying makes it possible to achieve a level of 65 % of the survivability of Lactobacillus plantarum C bacteria; however, the biological activity of the preparations analysed decreased, and 12 months after the storage at a temperature of 8 ºC, it was below 10 % in all groups of preparations compared to the initial value