Great strides have been made in the last decade regarding the importance of both genetic and environmental contributors to the risk for heavy drinking, alcohol problems, and alcohol use disorders. This lecture reviews recent research fi ndings regarding important endophenotypes contributing to these risks, (e.g. low response to alcohol, personality traits, sweet liking). Genetic fi ndings will highlight several genes that appear to contribute to the level of response to alcohol, sweet liking and some personality traits predisposing to alcohol seeking behavior. This presentation will review ongoing steps to identify additional genes in several large population studies. The lecture will also briefl y describe neurobiological background of drugs: (1) registered for alcohol treatment – disulfi ram, naltrexon, acamprosate, (2) off label drugs used in alcohol dependence: topiramat and ondasetron and (3) new medication: nelmelfene. Also, the approach of using the existing alcohol typologies (proposed by Cloninger and Lesch) in treatment proposal will be presented using our own data. Supported by MNiSW grant nr N N402 189335