Background: Human milk, in addition to nutrients, contains many biologically active substances including immunoglobulins, growth factors, cytokines, and a diverse population of somatic cells. Breast milk involves no risk of allergy, contains antibodies, and contains factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) and erythropoietin, which may promote the growth and repair of skin cells. The discovery of stem cells and the HAMLET complex in breast milk has led to increased interest in human milk as a natural medicine. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to identify the effect of topical application of breast milk on the separation time of the umbilical cord stump in newborns. Case report: This paper presents the case of a patient who decided to treat her child’s umbilical cord stump with colostrum/breast milk because her two older children had experienced long umbilical stump separation times. As a result of this treatment, separation of the stump occurred 90 hours after labor. There were no abnormalities in the construction of the navel, complications, or separation disorders of the umbilical cord stump. Conclusions: This research demonstrates that colostrum/mother’s milk was used as an easy, cheap, effective, and natural method of umbilical cord care.