Nosemosis, is caused by two microsporidian species: Nosema apis and N. ceranae. In the last decade there has been rapid development and spread of bee diseases, creating serious problems for bee keeping management. The above situation requires a substantial increase in the intensity of research, which would result in a successful means of combating the disease with no risk to the host organism. In recent years, a number of studies were conducted providing new knowledge about the disease, dealing with important issues related to the development, epidemiology and treatment of bees. However, despite this it remains unclear as to the real nature of the organisms that cause nosemosis, nor what is their structure and biology. The issues raised above have obligated the authors to a brief summary of current knowledge both about the disease, as well as its perpetrators. It has been proposed to amend certain terms that should be used when describing the structures and phenomena associated with pathogenic species and the course of the process of pathogenesis. The article draws attention to some important issues that summarize and organize existing knowledge, also indicates problems which should be the subject of future research.