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Typy i częstotliwość opadów ulewnych i wezbrań oraz ich efekty geomorfologiczne w Karpatach i górach klimatu monsunowego


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Types and frequency of heavy rains and floods and their geomorphic effects in the Carpathians and mountains of monsoon climate

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Mountains of Central Europe (like Carpathians) and monsoonal SE Asia are characterised by different rainfall regime and various frequency of extreme events. The altitude and course of mountain ranges decide on the direction of mass advection. But the geomorphological effects are regulated by substratum, relief and degree of degradation of natural ecosystems. The low Carpathians are affected by masses of various directions, carring downpours and continuous rains. High ranges of Himalayas form a barrier, which can not be crossed. Therefore the rainfalls rapidly drop down in the mountain interior (fig. 4, 5). The steep front of the Meghalaya Plateau receive the highest rainfall in the global scale. A distinct role is played by convection, therefore most of downpours has a local character (fig. 9, table 1). The high frequency of heavy rains is responsible for creation of armoured stony layer on the ground surface.






Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Geomorfologii i Hydrologii Gór i Wyżyn, Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania - Polska Akademia Nauk, Kraków


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