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2010 | 12 | 6 |

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Procurement policy of Hungarian food retail businesses - a break-out opportunity for the Hungarian wine makers throgh direct selling


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Polityka zaopatrzenia sklepów z żywnością na Węgrzech - sprzedaż bezpośrednia szansą dla rynku wina

Języki publikacji



The globalisation of the Hungarian food retail business has left domestic suppliers largely defenceless against food retail chains. A possible solution to that problem might be the setting up of a system of direct selling. I would like to present the different forms and the significance of direct sales through the example of the Hungarian wine making sector. In Hungary the globalisation of the food retail sector commenced only in the late 1980s and largely took place in the 1990s. This process has left Hungarian suppliers largely defenceless against the food retail chains. Another problem in the sales process is that goods are reaching the final consumer through several stages. For all of these problems the setting up of a system of direct sales could offer a solution. There are several forms of direct selling but producers do not yet fully utilise the opportunities hidden in them. I started my research . opportunities for direct sales in the Hungarian wine making sector . in one of the biggest wine regions of the country (the Eger wine region) in March 2010. From my research to date I have concluded that there are significant differences among wine makers depending on the extent and the efficiency of the particular forms of direct sales they use. With conducting and processing further interviews plus the evaluation of the current situation of direct sales I intend to make suggestions for the sector.s decision makers regarding modifying existing or adopting new legislation in order to facilitate the further spread of direct selling.
W artykule dokonano analizy zmian w sektorze sprzedaży detalicznej na Wegrzech. Wskazano na postępujący proces globalizacji. Na przykładzie rynku wina zwrócono uwagę na sprzedaż bezpośrednią jako rozwojową formę polityki zaopatrzenia.

Słowa kluczowe








Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Agricultural Market, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, 3-5. Zsil Street, H-1093 Budapest, Hungary


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