In the natural stands of the lower−montane zone in the 'Łopuszna Valley' Reserve (Gorczański National Park) consisting of beech, fir and spruce, a specific phenomenon was observed, which in other natural forests of the Western Carpathians occurred only occasionally. In the years 1981−2011, along with the increase in the proportion of beech in stands and in regeneration, which is now common issue in the forests of Central Europe, an increase or stability in the proportion of fir in stands and an increase in the proportion of fir in the undergrowth was reported. At the same time, the number of spruces in stands clearly decreased, while in the regeneration they occurred sporadically. Reduction in the proportion of spruce leads to a change in the species composition of multi−species stands i.e. from stands with co−dominant beech, fir and spruce to stands with dominant beech or co−dominant beech and fir. In managed forests, it is necessary to maintain the prevalence of all tree species for their productivity, which requires the application of the best silvicultural practices (regeneration and tending).