Dokonujący się w ostatnich latach proces transformacji spowodował zmiany mechanizmu rynkowego. Rynek mięsa, pozbawiony w krótkim czasie wielu form wsparcia, nie potrafił w pełni dostosować się do nowych warunków. Rezultatem tego procesu były głębokie wahania pogłowia i produkcji trzody chlewnej oraz spadek zainteresowania chowem bydła. Towarzyszyły temu zmiany sytuacji cenowej i popytowej.
The process of transformation, that has been taking place over the last few years, has already caused various changes in functioning of the market mechanism. The meat market has been largely deprived of various forms of support in a short period of time and, moreover, this market has been unable to fully adjust itself to new conditions. This process resulted in the strong fluctuations of both stock and the production of swine. What this process also brought forth was significant decrease in the interest in the cattle raising. Simultaneously, these processes have been accompanied by changes in price and demand. The changes of the subsequent factors has not happened spontaneously, but can be perceived as the consequence of some definite events happening in the meat sector.