The objective of the Digital Library of Nematology (Nematologiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa – NBC) is an electronic presentation of specialized historical and contemporary scientific literature, achievements of publishing The Nematological Diagnostic and Training Centre and to support teaching and learning. NBC collects, stores and manages digital content in a comprehensive, long-term way, and offers specific features to its users based on the collected data, so that the specified quality is in accordance with accepted principles. Creating NBC is one of the tasks of the project „Development of innovative methods for rapid identification of nematodes that cause damage to the economy”, co-financed by European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme „Innovative Economy”. The collection includes publications on nematology gathered at the Research Institute of Vegetable Crops in Skierniewice, the Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute in Poznań and Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. NBC is a separate collection of the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes. Access to the library is free, limited to persons involved in the systematics and identification of species of nematodes. Its advantage is the ability to access the database anywhere, anytime (provided access to the Internet).