Scharakteryzowano stopień ubankowienia wiejskich gospodarstw domowych w Małopolsce oraz określono czynniki determinujące i różnicujące poziom ubankowienia. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonej analizy, wskaźnik ubankowienia dla badanej grupy wyniósł 75%. Z konta indywidualnego najczęściej korzystały osoby w wieku 35-54 lat, z wykształceniem wyższym, osoby mające stałą pracę oraz zamieszkałe w gospodarstwach domowych, w których dochód netto na osobę wynosił powyżej 1500 zł.
The article aims to asses of the degree of banking services used by rural households and identification of factors conditioning and diversifying the level of banking services use. The main criteria on which the population division was based included gender, age and education of the respondents, net income per capita in the household, main source of income of the analysed household and the state of financial infrastructure in the locality where the household functioned. The degree of banking services use by rural households was assessed using the indicator of banking services use (persons who are owners of co-owners ofsavings and clearing accounts (ROR) in a bank or Cooperative Savings and Credit Association). As results from the conducted analysis, personal accounts are most frequently used by young persons aged between 35 and 54, possessing higher education, persons having permanent jobs and living in households reaching net income per capita over 1500 PLN. On the other hand the lowest indicator of banking services use characterized elderly people, with primary or upper primary education, households with net income per capita below 500 PLN and the unemployed persons