Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) acts on certain neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system, helps to support the survival, encourage the growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses. In our study we monitored BDNF blood level in course of brain ischemia-reperfusion in rat models of transient focal (FI) and global (GI) ischemia. Blood samples were collected before and during ischemia and at 40 and 90 min of reperfusion. Results showed that in model of FI BDNF concentration in total blood, in plasma and blood cells rapidly decreased during fi rst 40 min of ischemia. In samples of whole blood and blood cells BDNF started to rise at the end of ischemic insult to control level, but in plasma it signifi cantly decreased. In model of GI we didn’t observe important changes after insult. During fi rst 90 min of reperfusion in both models BDNF level in total blood and in blood cells continuously decreased. Plasma level of BDNF started to rise at 40 min of reperfusion. At 90 min of recirculation BDNF level in model of FI reached 92%, in GI about 155%. In conclusion we can state that brain ischemia causes reduction of BDNF level during ischemia and subsequent elevation of BDNF concentration in blood cells at the end of ischemic insult followed by decreasing in early period of reperfusion. On the other side, plasma level of this protein reduced during ischemia markedly rises during recirculation. Supported by VEGA 2/0141/09, VEGA 2/0146/09, APVV LPP023506, APVV-51-002105.